Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What is opera (with reference to Moses and Aron by Schoenberg) Essay

What is opera (with reference to Moses and Aron by Schoenberg) - Essay Example Snowman defines it in passing as â€Å"an art form that aspires to combine all the others†1 and goes on to chart the history of opera as a pastime of the elite which started in the Renaissance, reached its peak in the nineteenth century and began to decline in the twentieth century. This paper looks at the nature and purpose of opera in the twentieth century with specific reference to the unfinished masterpiece Moses and Aron which was written by classical composer Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) between 1930 and 1932. In the mediaeval period most people encountered formal music principally in religious settings but after the great turbulence of the Reformation, there came a time of gradual extension of musical performance into the salons of high society. Wealthy patrons of the Renaissance commissioned music to be written for special occasions such as weddings and coronations. In France the ballet form emerged, and in Italy genres such as the pastorale became popular: â€Å"The attraction of the pastorale consisted therefore, not in the plot but in the scenes and moods, the sensuous charm of the language, and the delicately voluptuous imagery, at which the Italian Renaissance poets excelled.†... tieth century new genres, and notably also technology such as gramophones and radio, extended the range of genres for musical production available and brought musical performances to still further sectors of the population. Schoenberg’s compositions were, however, unreservedly directed at the music-loving elites, and his choice of theme for his own modern opera harks back to the religious heritage of the Old Testament. Snowdon describes the changes that opera had undergone in the intervening centuries as a negative process: â€Å"opera has become at best a museum of art, a kind of old-fashioned religion re-enacted inside great temples before a dwindling audience of the devout.† 3 This description fits the more intellectual style of opera and it can be contrasted with what Snowman calls the â€Å"dumbing down of a once great art form to the point where any appeal it has beyond the narrow world of the cognoscenti is necessarily derived from the imposition of hype, shock and bogus sex appeal.†4 Schoenberg’s Moses and Aron is musically difficult, both to perform and to listen to, and it deals with ancient themes using heavy moral and religious overtones. It hardly seems likely to attract a wide audience, but for Schoenberg, the composition of both text and musical score seem to have meaning beyond the immediate context, serving to some extent as a life’s work, or a summing up of the most important elements in his own view of the world that he wants to leave for posterity. Schoenberg had a complex religious background, being born a Jew in Roman Catholic Austria, and then converting to Protestant Christianity before returning to his Jewish roots in later life.5 This return was provoked by the rising anti-Semitism that was gaining ground in central Europe in the early

Monday, October 28, 2019

Troy Historical Accuracy Essay Example for Free

Troy Historical Accuracy Essay The epic poem the â€Å"Iliad† is arguably one of mans most well known novel or book behind the Bible and the Odyssey (sequel to Iliad). The Iliad, and Odyssey for this matter where ancient texts written by Homer. The Iliad is a story set approximately 1194-1184 BC about the Trojan War and the ten year siege of Troy. This battle has many famous mythical figures such as Achilles the leader of the Myrmidons, Helen the princess that ran off with Paris which sparked the battle. Helen was the wife of King Menelaus ruler of the Spartans. Paris is a prince of Troy and brother to Hector the air to the throne. The movie adaptation is focused less on the adventures the Spartans had while sailing to Troy and more on the short stint of pre battle and end battle. The movie suggests the battle of Troy was over the course of a few weeks when per the Iliad it latest ten years. Now this battle has never been proven for accuracy and may have never happened. However the movie has a very direct sense of what and how the war was. It shows the layout of the city of Troy, the characters mentality and fondness or lack there of, of the characters. The way battles started seems quite accurate. Before a battle the opposing armies would taunt each other. After this the major warriors, or best of the army would duel each other. Depending on the outcome of this the battle would ensue. This is shown a few times in the movie. Once between Paris and Menelaus, which started the war. Paris surrendered and went to his brothers ankles. Hector protected Paris from being slaughtered. It shows the ships, blood, and garb the persons would wear in this time frame. Or does it? The dates this war happened of approximately 1194-1185 (10 years) is during the bronze age. This plays a key role in the historical accuracy of it. The weapons, shields, and clothing for battle is all wrong. These items shown are closer to the dark ages. The uniforms or garb of the ancient Greeks and Trojans where slightly less than what is shown in the movie. The movie depicted a very if not identical uniform for every soldier. In reality only the middle and upper class soldiers would have these. Even at that, the uniforms were not identical like in the movie. They where typically handed down from generation to generation due to cost. The armor and shields where made of Bronze breastplates in a muscled style, a helmet that covered most of their head and shin protection made of bronze. This is the uniform of the very well off soldiers. The common man would have even less. They would use a linen reinforced with bronze plating or animal skin, this was called â€Å"Linothorax armor† which was priced much lower then the fully bronze uniforms for the wealthy. The Greeks also found range weapons to be cowardly and would avoid use of them. In the movie both the Trojans and Spartans (Greeks, who thinks range weapons are cowardly) had many bows and used them often. The weapons other than long range used by both armies where typically Doru, which were long spears. These Doru like in the movie were 7-9 feet in length and where the primary weapon. In the movie the swords were primary, which in reality these where secondary weapons. These swords, or Xiphos where for use after the Doru were snapped or lost in combat. The xiphos were 2 feet for the Trojans and a bit shorter for the Spartans. The Spartans blades were typically 1-1. 5 feet long. This was more advantageous for the Spartans when the lines got much closer. The movie depicts both blades to be equal size on either side of the war. The ships where also dated much later in time. The ships of the bronze age would not have the very large and ornate front (Stem, Bow, or Head) and the stern would be higher. In the movie it seems to be the opposite. Most of the ships had much larger and obvious heads than sterns. The bow and stern would also be more angled and arched up. The movie depicts the ships bow to be flat on many ships. The movie Troy is a great story about the war between Troy and the Spartans. It depicts Achilles as a great warrior and in a strange way kind man. It has the beauty of Helen and the Anger of Menelaus. Much of this movie has been done historically correct however there are major flaws in its accuracy. I highly suggest one to watch this movie as it is quite enjoyable and the epic it is based on should be read as that is quite great itself.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Reflections Of Gore Vidal :: essays research papers fc

The Reflections of Gore Vidal   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many people in today's society that would love to have their views published for the whole world to view, but few can match the wit and originality of Gore Vidal. Vidal is the author of many short stories, novels, playwrights, and movie scripts. Gore Vidal has been and continues to be an influential figure in American literature. One of Vidal's most effective strategies as a writer has been to make the public aware of his opinions through his very popular and controversial works. Gore Vidal is an opinionated man with strong beliefs on many aspects of modern American culture.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gore Vidal is a man who likes to provoke controversy. The works of Gore Vidal revolves around three main themes: human behavior, politics, and homosexuality. These are Vidal's favorite subjects to write about because they are all something he deals with every day of his life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Readers of Gore Vidal should realize that he is out to shock the public with his beliefs, and he accomplishes this task quite well by being in favor of homosexuality. Gore Vidal sees nothing but positive outcomes should homosexuality become an accepted practice. According to American Writers 'The consequences of publishing a gay novel in 1948 were severe, and Vidal's literary career nearly ground to a premature halt'; (681). With the publication of The City and the Pillar, Vidal became ostracized by his fellow writers and the public as well. Homosexuality is not an accepted practice today by many, and since it was less common in 1948, some became enraged and refused to buy any of his work (681). For years Vidal could not sell anything because he had already been labeled as an advocate of homosexuality. In an interview with Salon, Vidal said that he thought that within the next century the government would encourage homosexuality to decrease the population (3). Gore Vidal believes that children are no longer needed and that they are only taking up valuable space in today's world (3). Mr. Vidal believes that by promoting Dunst 2 homosexuality the over crowding will cease to be a problem (3).He refuses to have children because he thinks he will only be adding to the world's population problem. ('Vidal, Gore'; 683) Vidal also sees the practice of homosexuality as a cure for sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Vidal thinks that by eliminating all male and female intercourse the sexually tranmitted diseases will eventually cease to be passed on as he believes this is the safest form of sexual intercorse. (684)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of Gore Vidal's more popular beliefs is that women should never be abused.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gary Nash Essay -- essays research papers

In the essay written by Gary Nash, he argues that the reason for the American Revolution was not caused by the defense of constitutional rights and liberties, but that of â€Å"material conditions of life in America† were not very favorable and that social and economic factors should be considered as the driving factor that pushed many colonists to revolt. The popular ideology which can be defined as resonating â€Å"most strongly within the middle and lower strata of society and went far beyond constitutional rights to a discussion of the proper distribution of wealth and power in the social system† had a dynamic role in the decisions of many people to revolt. The masses ideas were not of constitutional rights, but the equal distribution of wealth in the colonies that many felt that the wealth was concentrated in a small percentage of the population in the colonies. The Whig ideology that was long established in English society had a main appeal towards the upper clas s citizens and â€Å"had little to say about changing social and economic conditions in America or the need for change in the future.† The popular ideologies consisted of new ways of changing the distribution of wealth. Nash in his essay continued to give good evidence to prove his point that the American Revolution was not caused by the defense of constitutional rights and liberties, but by improper distribution of wealth. During the pre-American Revolutionary times, the â€Å"top five percent of Boston’s taxpayers controlled 49 ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Branch of government Essay

The executive branch is the most important government branch. The executive branch is the 3rd branch of government and with out it, the entire system would be backwards and out of order. The executive is the branch of a government charged with implementing, or executing, the law and running the day-to-day affairs of the government or state. The de facto most senior figure in an executive is referred to as the head of government. The executive may be referred to as the administration, in presidential systems, or simply as the government, in parliamentary systems. The Executive branch provides national security and without national security there would definetley be no order and protection in the nation. The executive branch makes the President the commander in chief, the executive branch also makes the president the economic leader. The president appoints cabinet members, the cabinet contains the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General (Justice Department), the Secretary of the Interior, The Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, The, Secretary of Labor, The Secretary of Health and Human Services ,the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Energy and, the Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs. The executive branch is the most important branch of government because without the cabinet and all the departments, the country would be in turmoil. If there were no laws to execute then the whole country would be out of order. If there was no executive branch there would be no running the functions of the state, managing the bureaucracy, and deciding how to enforce the law. The organizational structure of the executive branch will determine the relationship between the heads of state and government respectively. The Executive Branch also carries out the laws. In a presidential system the leader of the executive branch is at once the head of state and head of government. In a parliamentary system, a cabinet minister with the title of prime minister is head of government, while the head of state is a largely ceremonial monarch or president.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Is a Trade School How Can You Apply

What Is a Trade School How Can You Apply SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you want to advance your skills and education but are unsure if a traditional four-year college is for you, you may want to consider a trade school. Attending a vocational school can be an excellent option for those who want to get the necessary training to secure a good job quickly. In this article, I'll explain the benefits and potential disadvantages of trade schools. Also, I'll thoroughly describe the differences between trade schools, community colleges, and four-year colleges. What Is a Trade School? A trade school, sometimes referred to as a vocational school, technical school, or vocational college, is a posts of trade schools include UEI, American Career College, and Chamberlain University. Trade schools can be public or private, but many are for-profit businesses. At a trade school, you can get a degree in fields like information technology, nursing and health sciences, automotive technician training, and medical assisting. Program lengths vary, but typically, they can range from anywhere from eight months to two years. Unlike a four-year college, you don’t graduate from a trade school with a bachelor’s degree. Usually, upon completion of the program, you'll receive a diploma or trade certificate acknowledging you successfully finished. For some programs you can earn an associate degree, which is the degree you get from a two-year college. What Can You Do With a Degree From a Trade School? After completing a trade school program, you can get a job directly related to the field you studied in your vocational school program. For example, once you complete a dental assisting program, you can get a job as a dental assistant. If you complete a program in plumbing, you can get a position as a plumber. Again, these schools are designed to prepare you for a job in a specific field. Here are some of the jobs you can do with a degree from a trade school: Electrician Dental hygienist Plumber Paralegal Nurse Graphic Designer Welder Computer technician Aircraft mechanic Cosmetologist Chef Marine mechanic Construction manager Massage therapist Pharmacy technician The Differences Between Vocational Schools, Community Colleges, and Universities When you're deciding your path, it's important that you know the major differences between trade schools, community colleges, and four-year colleges. I'll outline the biggest differences between each type of school for you here. Trade Schools Trade school programs are the shortest; they run from less than a year to up to two years. As opposed to community colleges and four-year colleges, many vocational schools are for-profit businesses. The focus of trade schools is on giving students hands-on experience directly related to a specific job. At the end of a program, you can get a diploma or certificate, prepare for a licensing exam, or become an apprentice or journeyman in a skilled trade. Admission is mostly open enrollment. There's really no extracurricular involvement or on-campus culture at trade schools. Students just attend their classes and get their professional training. Community Colleges Community colleges award associate degrees at the end of two years. Most community colleges are public, but there are private ones, which are usually referred to as junior colleges. Like trade schools, some community colleges give diplomas or certificates to students who complete a program to practice in a specific field like cosmetology or nursing. Admission is mostly open enrollment: high school graduates or students 18 or older can attend. Community colleges tend to be the cheapest of all the college options. The average tuition and fees for a year at a public two-year college for in-district students is $3,570, and the average at a public four-year college for in-state students is $9,970. The average cost to complete a trade school degree (1-2 years) is $34,740. Socially, there are more options for students at community colleges than there are for students at trade schools. However, there are fewer options compared to students at four-year colleges. Community colleges often have sports teams, clubs, and on-campus residents, but many community college students commute and are only at school for their classes. Also, you have the option of transferring from a two-year community college to a four-year college. Many students start at a community college and then transfer to get a four-year college degree. If you take this option, make sure the courses you take are transferable and that you're doing the necessary work to make yourself eligible to transfer. Bronx Community College Four-Year Colleges Four-year colleges can be public or private, and the vast majority are non-profit. After successfully finishing a program at a four-year college, you get a bachelor's degree. This is the most versatile and highest degree you can get compared to degrees at trade schools and community colleges. On average, those with bachelor's degrees make more money than those with associate degrees or trade school diplomas. Furthermore, bachelor's degrees are required to go on to graduate school or professional schools like law school, medical school, or dental school. Even though four-year colleges do have pre-professional majors and programs, the focus is more on acquiring academic knowledge. Socially, four-year colleges offer the most opportunities for students. There are varsity sports, intramural sports, campus clubs, fraternities, sororities, guest speakers, campus traditions, and a greater percentage of students who live on or near campus. Benefits of Attending a Trade School Over a Four-Year College Going to a vocational school does offer some undeniable benefits. The most obvious benefit of going to a trade school is that trade schools require less time to complete. Almost all trade school programs can be finished in less than two years. Meanwhile, getting a degree from a community college normally takes two years, and getting a traditional four-year college degree usually takes at least four years to complete, and many students need a fifth or sixth year to get their degrees. Less time in school allows you to get more job experience and progress faster in your career. Furthermore, if you're not in school, you won't have to pay for those additional years of college tuition and may have to take out fewer student loans. Another advantage of trade schools is the hands-on preparation you’ll receive for a specific job. Many four-year colleges and programs at four-year colleges focus more on scholarly learning than on job preparation. For example, if you graduate with a degree in philosophy or theater, you may have difficulty finding a job that’s directly related to your major. At a trade school, the focus is on learning the skills that you’ll be using in your job when you graduate. Similarly, because the goal at a vocational school is to acquire the skills for a certain job, it may be easier to initially find a job in that field. Also, many trade school programs are geared toward fields in which there is high demand for workers. Additionally, there are lucrative jobs you can get with a trade school degree. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for dental hygienists was $74,070 in 2017. Meanwhile, the median starting salary for four-year college graduates was $50,516 for students from the class of 2016. Finally, if you go to a trade school, you don’t have to stress about the traditional college application process. Because the application requirements are much less strict at a trade school, if you decide to go to one, you won’t have to spend the time or money associated with four-year college applications. You won't have to take the SAT/ACT. You won’t have to stress about your grades. You won’t have to worry about joining clubs just to enhance your college applications. A trade school may be a good idea for you. Disadvantages of Attending a Trade School While vocational schools do offer some benefits, there are significant drawbacks, especially when compared to traditional 4-year colleges. Even though there are financial benefits to going to a trade school, college graduates, on average, make more money than trade school grads. According to College Scorecard, the salary after attending, which is the median income for students receiving federal financial aid 10 years after graduating, for American Career College in Los Angeles is $31,800. Comparatively, the salary after attending for UCLA is $60,700. Even after accounting for the additional time spent in school, the average UCLA graduate is going to come out well ahead financially in the long run. Also, four-year colleges tend to offer more generous financial aid. After financial aid, the average cost for West Coast University in Anaheim, California is $47,939. Meanwhile, the average cost for an in-state student at CSU Long Beach, a California State University, is $9,733. Furthermore, if you go to a vocational school, you’ll miss out on the traditional college experience. At trade schools, there’s no real on-campus culture, and there's limited social interaction. At a four-year college, you can join clubs, attend campus parties, go to sporting events, join Greek life, and live in dorms with your peers. For many people, the college experience gives them wonderful memories and helps them form long-lasting friendships. Much of the learning you do at a traditional college takes place outside of the classroom. You can attend lectures by famous politicians and prominent academics, and you're able to socially interact with students from all over the world. At a trade school, the focus is on the job preparation you receive inside the classroom, and that's basically the extent of your education. Additionally, traditional colleges offer a more broad, well-rounded education. Again, at a trade school, the education you receive is almost exclusively focused on preparing you for a specific job. At a traditional college, you’ll have general education requirements that will expose you to a variety of different subjects, and even in many majors, you’ll learn about a wide variety of topics. In college, I was an American Studies major, which is an interdisciplinary major that focuses on the United States. I was able to take classes in sociology, education, religion, history, psychology, and political science that counted towards my degree. Outside of my major, I was able to take classes in numerous subjects like human biology, anthropology, statistics, and Spanish. Traditional colleges pride themselves on not just preparing you for a specific job, but also teaching you critical thinking skills and making you an informed citizen who will be able to have a positive impact on society outside of your profession. Finally, there's more job flexibility with a traditional college degree. Trade schools prepare you for very specific jobs, but there are a wide variety of jobs you can get with a bachelor's degree, regardless of your major. If you study medical assisting at a trade school, your program will only prepare you to be a medical assistant. If you end up deciding that you want to do something else or can't find a job as a medical assistant, your vocational school degree won't be of much value. On the other hand, a degree from a four-year college offers you many more job opportunities. There are sales, education, and consulting jobs that are open to four-year college graduates from a wide variety of majors. Furthermore, you can pursue graduate school and professional schools like medical school and law school with a four-year college degree. On average, with more education and advanced degrees, you'll make more money and have more job security. Know about your options to make a wise decision. Should You Go to a Trade School or a Four-Year College? There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether to go to a trade school or a four-year college. Generally, I encourage all students who are capable to go to a four-year college. You’ll give yourself the most opportunities by graduating from a four-year school, and you’ll likely have a more fun, enriching experience at a traditional four-year college. Also, by going to a four-year school, you’ll have more earning potential and job flexibility. A trade school is a good option if you can’t spend the time to get a four-year degree or you’re very sure that you want to do a job that you can prepare for at a vocational school. Sometimes, family or financial situations make it too challenging for students to spend four years in school, so they opt to complete a much shorter program at a trade school. Also, some students just don't like traditional schooling. They struggle to do well in school because they detest reading and writing papers. They prefer doing something more active and don't want to spend at least four years in college to end up with a desk job. If you know you want to be an automotive technician, you may benefit more from completing a trade school program than going to a four-year college. You’ll get hands-on experience and be able to start your career in a short period of time. Keep in mind that if you don’t have the grades or test scores to go to a four-year college, you have options other than a vocational school. If you want to go to a four-year college, but you’re worried that you don’t have the qualifications to get admitted, check out the colleges with the highest acceptance rates. You still may be able to get in with sub-par grades and test scores. Also, you can go to a community college and then transfer to a four-year college. Most community colleges are open enrollment, so you don’t have to worry about being admitted. If you want to fix cars, maybe you should go to a trade school. How to Find the Right Vocational School for You Once you've decided to attend a trade school, your next step is deciding which school is best for you. There are three main steps to doing this: #1: Make Sure the Trade School Offers the Program You Want Nothing else about the school matters if it doesn't have the program you want, so this is your first step. If you're interested in a specific program/certificate, make sure the school offers exactly what you're looking for so there are no surprises once you graduate. You can also ask admissions counselors at the school which jobs the program will qualify you for. #2: Make Sure the Trade School Has a Good Reputation It's imperative the school you attend have a good reputation so people who hire you will have confidence in the program you completed. Your school might have specific accreditation which you should research, and you should also read online reviews and speak to current and former students to see if they would recommend the school and program. Unfortunately, there are many vocational schools that exist mostly as diploma mills and will take a lot of your money without giving you a good education in return. Doing your research early on will help you avoid this. #3: Make Sure You Can Manage the Costs and Schedule Finally, you also need to make sure you can afford tuition costs (or be able to take out the necessary financial aid), and that the times the classes are offered works with your schedule. The school should also be able to estimate how many hours a week you should be devoting to the program, and you should make sure you're able to manage that workload or look into part-time options. How to Apply to a Trade School For the majority of trade schools, the application process is relatively simple. Most schools have a basic online application on their websites, or you can contact the school for admissions information. Also, there tend to be no application deadlines. You can apply at any time, but you may need to wait for the beginning of your program of interest before you can enroll. Additionally, after you fill out the application, you may have to interview or speak with an admissions representative. These conversations are meant to be informational and help guide you to the program that would be best for you. Trade schools aren’t considered selective, and most are open enrollment. For the majority of schools and programs, you don’t have to take the SAT/ACT, and you don’t need to write an essay. Furthermore, trade schools won’t require recommendations or consider your extracurricular activities when determining admission. What's Next? Now that you're familiar with trade schools and the differences between trade schools and other types of colleges, there are a few articles you may want to check out. If you're considering going to a four-year college, learn more about the college application timeline and if it matters where you go to college. If you're interested in community colleges, find out how to apply. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, October 21, 2019

What Is Diaspora

What Is Diaspora Diaspora is a community of people from the same homeland who have been scattered or have migrated to other lands. While most often associated with the Jewish people expelled from the Kingdom of Israel in the 6th century BCE, the diaspora of many ethnic groups is found around the world today. Diaspora Key Takeaways A diaspora is a group of people who have been forced from or chosen to leave their homeland to settle in other lands.People of a diaspora typically preserve and celebrate the culture and traditions of their homeland.Diaspora may be created by voluntary emigration or by force, as in the cases of wars, slavery, or natural disasters. Diaspora Definition The term diaspora comes from the Greek verb diaspeirÃ…  meaning â€Å"to scatter† or â€Å"to spread about.† As first used in Ancient Greece, diaspora referred to people of dominant countries who voluntarily emigrated from their homelands to colonize conquered countries.  Today, scholars recognize two kinds of diaspora: forced and voluntary. Forced diaspora often arises from traumatic events such as wars, imperialistic conquest, or slavery, or from natural disasters like famine or extended drought. As a result, the people of a forced diaspora typically share feelings of persecution, loss, and desire to return to their homeland. In contrast, a voluntary diaspora is a community of people who have left their homelands in search of economic opportunity, as in the massive emigration of people from depressed regions of Europe to the United States during the late 1800s. Unlike diaspora created by force, voluntary immigrant groups, while also maintaining close cultural and spiritual links to their countries of origin, are less likely to wish to return to them permanently. Instead, they take pride in their shared experience and feel a certain social and political â€Å"strength-in-numbers.† Today, the needs and demands of large diaspora often influence government policy ranging from foreign affairs and economic development to immigration.   The Jewish Diaspora The origins of the Jewish diaspora date to 722 BCE, when the Assyrians under King Sargon II conquered and destroyed the Kingdom of Israel. Cast into exile, the Jewish inhabitants were scattered throughout the Middle East. In 597 BCE and again in 586 BCE, Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II deported large numbers of Jews from the Kingdom of Judah but allowed them to remain in a unified Jewish community in Babylon. Some of the Judean Jews chose to flee to Egypt’s Nile Delta. By 597 BCE, the Jewish diaspora was scattered among three distinct groups: one in Babylon and other less-settled parts of the Middle East, another in Judaea, and another group in Egypt. In 6 BCE, Judea came under Roman rule. While they allowed the Judeans to retain their Jewish king, the Roman governors maintained real control by restricting religious practices, regulating trade, and imposing ever-higher taxes on the people. In 70 CE, the Judeans launched a revolution which ended tragically in 73 BCE with the Roman siege of the Jewish fort of Masada. After destroying Jerusalem, the Romans annexed Judaea and drove the Jews from Palestine. Today, the Jewish diaspora is spread throughout the world. The African Diaspora During the Atlantic Slave Trade of the 16th to 19th centuries, as many as 12 million people in Western and Central Africa were taken captive and shipped to the Americas as slaves. Made up mainly of young men and women in their childbearing years, the native African diaspora grew rapidly. These displaced people and their descendants greatly influenced the culture and politics of the American and other New World colonies. In reality, the massive African diaspora had begun centuries before the slave trade as millions of Sub-Saharan Africans migrated to parts of Europe and Asia in search of employment and economic opportunity. Today, descendants of the native African diaspora maintains and celebrates its shared culture and heritage in communities around the world. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 46.5 million people of the African diaspora lived in the United States in 2017. The Chinese Diaspora The modern Chinese Diaspora began in the mid-19th century. During the 1850s to the 1950s, large numbers of Chinese workers left China in search of jobs in Southeast Asia. From the 1950s through the 1980s, wars, starvation, and political corruption in mainland China shifted the destination of Chinese diaspora to more industrialized areas including North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia. Driven by the demand for cheap manual labor in these countries, most of these migrants were unskilled workers. Today, the growing Chinese diaspora has evolved into a more advanced â€Å"multi-class and multi-skilled† profile needed to satisfy the demands of the high-tech globalized economy. The current Chinese diaspora is estimated to consist of some 46 million ethnic Chinese living outside China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau. Sources Vertovec, Steven. The Political Importance of Diasporas. Migration Policy Institute. (June 1, 2005).â€Å"Ancient Jewish History: The Diaspora† Jewish Virtual Library.â€Å"National African-American History Month: February 2017† U.S. Census Bureau.â€Å"Chinese Diaspora Across the World: A General Overview† Academy for Cultural Diplomacy.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Become a Shot Essay Guru

How to Become a Shot Essay Guru How to Become a Short Essay Guru It doesn’t matter what subject you have: eventually you will be asked to complete a written assignment to show professor how easily you master the topic. While homework and coursework are quite brief and straight to the point, it may be quite confusing to write an essay. When a student gets an assignment to complete a short essay, he becomes quite happy but ‘short’ doesn’t mean ‘simple’ and often becomes a bigger problem. This article aims to help you to avoid all the underwater stones and complete a short essay you can be proud of. The main challenge of a short essay is that you need to limit your ideas and arguments to a certain number of words, remaining thoughtful and deep at the same time. Below is a list of requirements, which you need to follow not depending on a type of a short essay you have to complete. Create an outline When you receive a task for the first time, especially if you need to choose a topic on your own, it is easy to get lost in a huge amount of information you have to process. In such a case, it is useful to create an outline and write down all the thoughts and ideas, which you want to include to your text. When you already know what to write about and are ready to start, don’t forget to divide your thoughts into corresponding paragraphs and parts, which will make the whole text smooth and understandable. Your short essay should consist of a one-paragraph long introduction, body of three paragraphs and a one-paragraph conclusion. Introduction When it comes to a short essay, introduction section becomes even more important, as it is usually not more than a couple of sentences long. You need to make them clear and catchy, persuading the reader to continue. The first sentence should include the main ideas of the whole paper and encourage the audience to go on reading. The last sentence should contain your thesis statement. It reflects the problem for the whole essay, which should be arguable and thought evoking. Body The main three paragraphs of your whole short essay should be devoted to the body. It contains main information on the topic, supported by evidence, various facts and credible information. Every paragraph should start with an argument or a statement, following with its supportive facts. Remember to use various constructions to make your language fluent and smooth. In addition, never forget about the formatting style, as it will significantly increase your grades. It is useful to include quotes and facts but don’t forget to properly cite them and provide credible sources. The body paragraphs should contain all the necessary facts but still be readable and smooth, not overwhelming the reader with excessive information. Conclusions The final paragraph is your chance to present the obtained results, so you need to provide all the information in a couple brief sentences, summing up your whole work. First, you need to show how the body paragraphs correspond with your thesis statement, and then make a conclusion to close the raised question. It doesn’t mean that your conclusions should represent the same thoughts. Try to offer a new outlook on the topic and promote fresh ideas. If your introduction aims to stir the interest, your conclusions should satisfy the reader and close the topic. Proofreading It doesn’t matter how great your short essay is: if it contains mistakes, you are doomed to obtain low grades and redo it all over again. Make sure you edit and proofread your essay after competing it to eliminate lexical, grammatical and orthographical mistakes. Correcting all the errors will make your essay flawless and won’t distract the reader from your thoughts and ideas.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Greek Default of Sovereign debt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Greek Default of Sovereign debt - Essay Example For some, such as the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area), regional integration is based on establishing free trade zones. For others, such as the AU (African Union) and the EU (European Union), regional integration is based on political and economic cooperation (Sore, 2010). With the trend of regional and global integration, one of the emerging concepts is sovereign debt borrowing. Under this concept, a country can borrow a loan from another country or institutions. For example, a country that is experiencing financial problems such as growing budget deficits has the option of sovereign debt to address the problem. Some of these institutions include the World Bank, EU, and IMF (International Monetary Fund). Foreign debts are supposed to be paid as per the agreement. However, there have been cases of defaults in repayment. Usually, a country that is unable to repay its foreign debts on the agreed date can renegotiate the deal for an extension. The renegotiation option is not always a guarantee. A foreign debt default can cause adverse implications for the affected countries. In the past, such defaults have resulted in military invasions such as when the US occupied Haiti in 1915 (Huang, 2014). There have various foreign debt defaults since 2000. Some of these include: Apart from these cases, one of the largest and most recent foreign debt default occurred in 2012. Greece defaulted on its $138 billion foreign debt, which became the all-time biggest foreign debt default (Huang, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to present an in-depth analysis of the Greece sovereign default. The paper will present a detailed discussion of how the default came to be, what factors and actors contributed to it, the reactions of different stakeholders, the lessons drawn, and the way forward. The paper will present a background of the Greek debt crisis,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Capital Budgeting Individual Project Assignment

Capital Budgeting Individual Project - Assignment Example Strategic planning is important to the future success of a business enterprise. Capital budgeting is one of the ways that can help a company achieve its long term success through proper planning. Lack of good road map that a strategic plan provides, may lead to misallocation of company resources through addressing short-term issues. This would in turn compromise the long term needs of the company. Necessary Information Sparklin Automotive Company (SAC) has been a successful company within the automotive manufacturing industry, operating since the last eight decades. The company has come up with an innovative idea to launch a new spark plug which offers an enhanced mileage to vehicles i.e. up to 100,000 miles. In order to initiate the new spark plug production, the company needs to set up a new manufacturing plant which would need to be analyzed financially in order to consider it viable for SAC. The entire setup would require information pertaining to the cash inflows and the cash ou tflows that would occur as a result of carrying out the production of the new spark plugs. The financial information that would be needed should only include the relevant costs that would only be attributed as a result of carrying out the new spark plug production. ... owing data would be used to evaluate the capital project: The new spark plug plant would need an initial investment of $1 billion in 2013, which would further be followed by another $500 million investment in 2014. The cash inflows that are expected as a result of this investment are: $300 million (2015), $350 million (2016), $385 million (2017), $400 million (2018), $450 million (2019), and $500 million (2020). All of these expected inflows are considered to be after-tax inflows. It is also expected that the new plant would not attract any Capital Gains; hence no tax savings would be gained. SAC’s current cost of capital is 10%. Capital budgeting The firm’s senior financial officers are faced with two important tasks in a firm. One of the tasks is to make decisions for improving the company’s return on equity. The other task is to find adequate funds for investment opportunities that may arise (Dayananda, 2002). Capital budgeting is the process in which a busine ss management determines whether projects such as long-term investment or building a new plant are worth undertaking. Basically, business should pursue all opportunities and projects that will increase shareholder’s value. However, because of limited nature of capital available for new projects, management needs to implement capital budgeting techniques to determine which will result to high return on a given period of time. Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Weighted Average Cost of Capital is the calculation of a firm’s cost of capital that involves proportionate weighting of each and every category of capital. When calculating the firm’s weighted average cost of capital, all capital stock such as preferred stock, common stock, bonds, and any other long-term debt are all included. The formula

Economic Order and Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Economic Order and Democracy - Essay Example For this reason especially, experiments with various kinds f worker ownership have increased sharply in the United States in the past two decades as a response to the problems f capital flight, runaway shops, bureaucratic waste in the managerial sector, and industrial decline. In the Progressive era, when theologians such as Rauschenbusch and Temple made the case for economic democracy, there were few examples f cooperative ownership or decentralized social ownership to which they could point. But today there are thousands f worker-owned firms in the United States and, though they have been characteristically slow in rising to the challenge, many American unions have begun to bargain for worker ownership, worker control over pension funds, and worker management rights. These developments are not yet, but have the potential to become, the building blocks f a genuine movement for economic democracy. (Krimerman 1-4) The Mondragon cooperatives in the Basque region f Spain offer one instructive example f economic democracy at work. In the 1950s a Catholic priest, Jose Maria Arizmendi, inspired a group f students to launch a cooperative stove factory (Ulgor) that quickly grew into a network f foundries incorporated as agricultural cooperatives. Mondragon has since grown into a highly successful and diversified network f worker-owned enterprises that are democratically managed on the basis f cooperative membership. Between 1966 and 1975, sales rose from $47 million to $336 million, and in the 1980s Mondragon became Spain's largest exporter f durable goods. In over forty years, it has witnessed only two closings. The Mondragon cooperatives employ over 100,000 workers in an integrated network f more than 125 financial, industrial, and service companies in virtually every economic sector, including robots and mass transit. Mondragon contains over 75 industrial firms, an agricultural cooperative, five schools, a technical college, and a central bank -- the Caja Laboral Popular -- which is half-owned by its own employees and half-owned by other cooperatives. Founded in a church basement in 1958, the Caja Laboral Popular has become a bank with $2 billion in assets that specializes in making loans to cooperative firms and providing industry-specific consulting assistance. Each Mondragon worker/owner holds one share f voting stock, and profits are distributed in the form f additions to a capital account on which 6 percent interest is paid annually. Seventy percent f annual profits are distributed to worker/owners on the basis f salary scale and seniority, 10 percent are donated to charity, and the remaining 20 percent are reinvested. Because the network's worker/owners cannot withdraw money from their capital accounts until they retire, Mondragon is able to make long-term investments in expansion, diversification, research and development, and reinvestment from its accumulated capita l stock. [TM] The Mondragon network consistently outperforms comparable capitalist enterprises throughout Europe, and thus demonstrates that worker empowerment and cooperation can be turned into economic advantages. Without question, the cultural variables are daunting; it is difficult to imagine how a similarly integrated network f pure-form cooperatives could be established in individualistic

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Religion - Hinduism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Religion - Hinduism - Essay Example By the term ‘reincarnation’, it is believed by the Hindus that the soul is eternal and it lives several lifetimes. It is further believed that the soul at times is born in the human body, at times in the animal body and often in the plant body (Holisticonline, â€Å"Reincarnation, Samsara and Karma†). Hinduism states that not only the divine reincarnations like Lord Krishna but also the pure minded saints can remember their past reincarnations. It is further believed that reincarnation provides the person with the opportunity to evolve spiritually through different important experiences that he receives during his reincarnation. He may even reach the process of realizing God. The person in this stage is called a liberated soul (Bhaskaranada, â€Å"The Vedanta Society of Western Washington†).... The effects of the Karma are evident when the person is reincarnated. This can be explained with the help of an illustration. One child may be born blind while the other may be born with a perfect body. Now, one may say that it has happened according to God’s will. However, in this note it can be said that according to Hinduism the child has born blind because of the bad deeds conducted by him in his previous incarnations. It’s the stored up Karmaphala of the person’s past birth that has caused blindness in this birth. In order to get rid of Karma or to reduce the effects of bad karma, it would be advisable to perform activities without expecting the outcome of the actions. In order to release from the Karma, it would also be better to realize God. Hinduism states that the definitive solution to life’s basic problem is to be freed from Karma and achieve freedom from the cycle of rebirth. Idea of Reincarnation The idea that reincarnation generally takes pla ce because of the unfulfilled desire really makes sense. This is so because when the people die with certain strong unfulfilled desires that can only be fulfilled on earth, then it leads to the reincarnation of that soul. Difficulties All the souls have the opportunity to experience life in different forms, i.e. either in a human body or animal and plant body. This concept of rebirth is quite difficult to understand because a human soul cannot take the form of animal or plant. For instance, a mango seed will yield a mango tree and not an apple tree. Possibilities of Continued Existence There are possibilities of continued existence of the reincarnation according to the Hindu belief. The theories have revealed that in order to accomplish the desire that was

Process Control and Improvement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Process Control and Improvement - Assignment Example Several other issues like logistics, scheduling, procurement, raw material handling, human resource management, are also involved in the process and contribute significantly to the efficiency of the system and the final cost and quality of the product. Since these processes are ongoing and cyclic in nature, any company involved in these activities should be able to effectively control these activities in order to boost its performance and business profits. The paper studies the case of Staple Foods, one of the largest foodservice companies in the world and major food caterers in the region. The problems faced by the company in its daily operations and use of process control systems for improvement and efficiency will be the subject of interest in this study. Staple Foods is well known for its assurance to quality services to the clients and its strong focus upon the growth and expansion of its business portfolio. In the food service sector, it is important to maintain efficient opera tions in production and marketing in order to survive and remain competitive in the industry. In order to achieve the targets, the company decided to integrate three plants into one and implement batch process control in its production line. This helped the company to limit the variances that existed in the production line, control the inventories, and increase its profits, (Goldsmith, 1995). 2.0 Company profile The Company – Staple Foods has been the carrier of a number of brands in the food market. The company offers some excellent food products to its customers and is well appreciated for its consistency in its quality standards. The company was formed in the year 1975 and has built a strong tradition of hard work and faith. The company specializes mainly in the oil products, sauces, soups and flavor bases that are marketed under a number of brand names. With more than 7 production units in the region, Staple foods Ltd. are trying hard to make higher margin profits for its elf. 3.0 Existing Production Process Conditions The procedure utilized in the production unit of Staple Foods is relatively complex and multifaceted which is distributed across a number of production units. The main steps that compose the production plan are – The first step consists of a detailed schedule planning done by the managers of Staple foods, in order to reduce the down time for the participant production lines. The scheduling done during this phase is mainly manual in nature. This is followed by the procurement of resources that are required by each production line in an efficient manner. The quantity, quality and time of resource procurement are very important at this point in order to maintain a steady flow of production and product quality. More often, the resources need to be shared by multiple production lines and the managers are required to plan upon this sharing aspect closely so that no shortage problems arise in case. Variability and wastage can be signif icantly eliminated in this operation step. The production takes place in batches or continuously, depending upon the market demands. The last step involved in the production is the cleaning and preparing the line of a new batch of production cycle. 4.0 Process Problems faced by the Management Controlling the processes involved in the p

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Religion - Hinduism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Religion - Hinduism - Essay Example By the term ‘reincarnation’, it is believed by the Hindus that the soul is eternal and it lives several lifetimes. It is further believed that the soul at times is born in the human body, at times in the animal body and often in the plant body (Holisticonline, â€Å"Reincarnation, Samsara and Karma†). Hinduism states that not only the divine reincarnations like Lord Krishna but also the pure minded saints can remember their past reincarnations. It is further believed that reincarnation provides the person with the opportunity to evolve spiritually through different important experiences that he receives during his reincarnation. He may even reach the process of realizing God. The person in this stage is called a liberated soul (Bhaskaranada, â€Å"The Vedanta Society of Western Washington†).... The effects of the Karma are evident when the person is reincarnated. This can be explained with the help of an illustration. One child may be born blind while the other may be born with a perfect body. Now, one may say that it has happened according to God’s will. However, in this note it can be said that according to Hinduism the child has born blind because of the bad deeds conducted by him in his previous incarnations. It’s the stored up Karmaphala of the person’s past birth that has caused blindness in this birth. In order to get rid of Karma or to reduce the effects of bad karma, it would be advisable to perform activities without expecting the outcome of the actions. In order to release from the Karma, it would also be better to realize God. Hinduism states that the definitive solution to life’s basic problem is to be freed from Karma and achieve freedom from the cycle of rebirth. Idea of Reincarnation The idea that reincarnation generally takes pla ce because of the unfulfilled desire really makes sense. This is so because when the people die with certain strong unfulfilled desires that can only be fulfilled on earth, then it leads to the reincarnation of that soul. Difficulties All the souls have the opportunity to experience life in different forms, i.e. either in a human body or animal and plant body. This concept of rebirth is quite difficult to understand because a human soul cannot take the form of animal or plant. For instance, a mango seed will yield a mango tree and not an apple tree. Possibilities of Continued Existence There are possibilities of continued existence of the reincarnation according to the Hindu belief. The theories have revealed that in order to accomplish the desire that was

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

LEGAL ASPECTS OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

LEGAL ASPECTS OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Managers in hotel, restaurant and travel firms are therefore required by the law to prevent any form of violations to these laws. The managers of these firms need to take into consideration the various actions and precautions they need to avoid. Avoidance of these precautions will therefore save them the number of the lawsuits that they need to attend to. Good traits imposed by the management of these firms would provide the firms with good reputation. The reputation of the firm would earn the firm more clients. The success of the firm would also lies with the competency of the employees. Therefore, adequate and competent staff is vital for the realization of the objectives of the firm. Employee’s knowledge of the legal framework of the firm is equally important. Maintenance of good legal practices by the employees would ensure survival of the firm. The firm would be able to survive because it would not be subjected to many lawsuits. For the smooth running of the hotel, staff development is crucial. Proper management of these hotels, restaurants and travel firms would also ease the coordination of the scheduled activities of these firms. Managers would have ease time carrying out other administrative duties of the firms. Correct legal practice would also enable these firms to effectively deal with external forces such as the political environments. The knowledge of the legal practices would give hospitality management students a good chance to meet the expectations of the employer firms as well as the expectations of the recruiters (Gerber 168). Simulation of the â€Å"real world† dynamics The studies which were learnt in the class work would therefore impact the necessary skills required by the hospitality management students to effective manage such kinds of firms. Running and maintenance of hotel and restaurant firms is a demanding task. The manager of these firms must have the technical knowledge concerning the operations and the legal practic e of these businesses. The management processes would provide the hospitality students with the platform to put in practice all the theories they have learnt in the class. The knowledge of the laws governing the practice of hotel, restaurant and travel firms would help the students to; Meet the expectation of the employer and the recruiters Most of the employers and recruiters of the hospitality management students demand a lot from them. The employers would assume that the students have all the solutions to the problems that hospitality management profession faces. In such cases, the knowledge gathered from the class work would be essential. These students would use the knowledge learnt in class to provide the solutions for the numerous challenges that face this sector. The students would be able to schedule the activities of these firms for purposes of meeting the required levels of objectives. In this hospitality management course, the fresh students would be able to create a rea l life business plan for the firm and implementation of the created plans. The curriculum is needed to form the satisfaction of the basic purpose contained in the hospitality management education. The preparation procedures by the students would therefore entirely relies on the curricula. Create more business opportunity for these firms As managers of these firms, the students would be able to exercise the knowledge obtained from class to expand the business territory for the firms. The students wou

Christmas past Essay Example for Free

Christmas past Essay Ebenezer Scrooge is a tightfisted miser who has only one purpose in life, to extort as much money and profit he can from anything and everything. As with all things, too much of one thing is bad for you; Scrooges miserly ways are catching up with him. His cheap ways have not brought him any friends, quite the contrary; they have brought him derision and scorn. He was thought of as a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone! A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, selfish, covetous old sinner! As we can see, he wasnt a very pleasant person, but that is to be expected of people who work around money all their lives. Money became more than a possession to Scrooge, all his coins were his little children. He kept them safe in their strongboxes. To give away but one petty coin, would have been asking Scrooge to give away part of his soul. He was greedy and crooked to the bone. He was a cold heartless man No warmth could warm No wind that blew was bitter than he. Scrooge hated the idea that on Christmas day his workers were allowed the day off and Scrooge still had to pay their wages. A poor excuse for picking a mans pocket every twenty-fifth of December. Scrooge dislikes people who try and raise money to help the poor, when the charity workers tell Scrooge some poor people would rather die than work in a workhouse Scrooge replies. If they would rather die They had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. This quote shows that Scrooge doesnt care about other people apart from himself. He doesnt care that other people are worse off than he is and he doesnt care if they die. If I could work my will Every idiot who goes about with merry Christmas should be boiled with his own pudding. This is a quote from Scrooge before the ghosts visit him. It shows that Scrooge doesnt like Christmas and doesnt like other people enjoying themselves at Christmas. Scrooge wasnt just miserable and bad tempered at Christmas; he was like that all year round. These famous lines were uttered by Scrooge on Christmas Eve, 7 years to the day, of his old partner, Jacob Marleys death. Then as Scrooge was about to enter his marvelously slum-like mansion, he looked at his doorknocker, and nearly fainted dead away with fright. Scrooge saw in the knocker not a knocker, but Marleys face. Bad omens breed ill times to come, and this was most definitely a bad omen. As Scrooge looked fixedly at this phenomenon, it was a knocker again. Scrooge just thought it was the dark playing with his mind. Darkness was cheap and Scrooge liked it. When Scrooge sat down by the small fire the cellar floor blew open with a booming sound, still Scrooge wouldnt believe anything strange was happening. Its still humbug I wont believe it. When the ghost of Marley appears before Scrooge he still doesnt accept what hes seeing. The ghost asks Scrooge Why do you doubt your senses? Scrooge replies, Because a little thing effects them theres more of gravy than of grave about you. Marleys ghost explains to Scrooge that he is forced to travel around the world; he sees people suffering and cant do anything to help them. Marleys ghost explains to Scrooge that he is forced to do this in death because of the way he was in life. Marley tells Scrooge that his punishment after life will be even greater because Scrooge was just as bad as Marley and has had an extra seven years of life to do bad things. Marley told Scrooge that unless he changes his ways he will be punished. He tells Scrooge that three spirits will visit him. Expect the first tomorrow when the bell tolls one. The ghost of Christmas past was a strange figure. Its hair hung about its neck and was white as if with age. Its arms were very long and muscular. It had a lustrous belt around its waist and was holding a branch of fresh green holy in its hand. You are one of those whos passion made this cap, and force me through whole trains of years. The ghost said to Scrooge. Meaning because of people like Scrooge the ghost has to visit them. The ghost of Christmas past took Scrooge to the place where he grew up. They saw travelers; Scrooge knew and named every one of them. Why did his cold eye glisten Why did his heart leap as they went past. The ghost then took Scrooge to his old school; he was the only child left there. All the other children had gone back home to their families for Christmas. The ghost then took Scrooge to a house were a young Scrooge was reading a book by a weak fire. Some actors visited young Scrooge and performed a play for him. Scrooge remembered how lonely he was and how happy the actors made him feel. There was a boy singing a Christmas Carol at my door last night.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Cruise Shipping Industry Impacts On Tourism In Jamaica Tourism Essay

Cruise Shipping Industry Impacts On Tourism In Jamaica Tourism Essay CHAPTER 1 Introduction of the Cruise Shipping Industry and how it impacts on tourism in Jamaica Tourism is the travel for leisure, business or recreational purposes outside of ones norms for no more than a year. It has become the largest and fastest growing industry in the global economy. In 1871 an American sea captain called Lorenzo Dow Baker sailed into Port Antonio and took with him a cargo of coconuts and 1,450 stems of bananas. The profit that he made in Boston quickly made him realize the potential for the area because profits from the sale of the bananas were great he soon built a thriving export business, called The Boston Fruit Company, which later became the United Fruit Company. He owned 40 banana plantations and shipped three million bunches annually at its peak. He later saw the potential for tourism in Jamaica and established the first cruise ship to and from Port Antonio. So he started sailing visitors from the freezing New England states to Jamaica of Port Antonio in his empty banana boats. He then built Jamaicas first hotel called the Titchfield Hotel in the e arly 1900s. In 1905 the hotel was 600 feet of open space and 400 rooms. It was said that no hotel on that side of the Atlantic Sea had provided with any of those amenities that minister so largely to the pleasure of travelers. This began to prosper in Jamaica after World War I, when improved methods of transportation made it easier for people to get from one country to the other. Indications are that in the early 1920s the number of tourists visiting the island annually probably did not exceed a few thousand. By 1938 the figure had risen to 64,000, and in 1952 the number of arrivals almost doubled to over 104,000; in 1966 the number exceeded 345,000, and in 1970 nearly 415,000. In 1982 it exceeded 600,000. Since the 1987 ­88 season, the number of visitors has exceeded one million a year and has continued to grow, partly as a result of the great increase in the arrivals of cruise-ship passengers. Total arrivals for 1993 were 1,616,430. The cruise shipping industry has many different impacts on the Jamaican tourism industry. It is one of the fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry, is becoming more popular to tourists and has a good potential for growth. In Jamaica the industry appeals to the mass market cruises. These are the cruises which are moderately priced and appeals to just about every type of person. The Caribbean is one of the most tourism dependent regions in the world with Jamaica being the most dependent as the main source of income which brings 25 percent of GDP. Impacts faced by the tourism industry vary from the environmental point of view, socio- cultural, and economical. As it relates to the environment Cruise ships represent less than 1% of the global merchant  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡eet yet it has been estimated that they are responsible for 25% of all waste generated by merchant vessels. This volume of waste produces pressures on the environment, particularly with respect to ship-generated waste disp osal at home ports and ports of call. Other negative impacts include carrying capacity which is the maximum number of persons recommended on a particular eco-system before this result in depletion of its natural resources. Negative socio-cultural impacts faced locals include the use of resources which may cause conflicts, such as competition between tourist and local populations for the use of prime resources like water and energy because of the scarce supply. Another negative impact is economic inequality, between locals and tourists, where tourists normally spend more than they usually do at home, locals may seem to feel inferior to the tourists as they cannot do such large spending which may cause cultural clashes. Positive impacts are locals and tourists get to share their cultural differences with each other. Economical impacts of cruise shipping in Jamaica are the increase of foreign exchange earnings, profit and taxes, employment, externalities, terms of trade, and economies of scale. In addition, cruise tourism requires less infrastructure compared to stopover tourism at a tourist destination. Negative impacts on the tourism economy are leakages of tourist expenditure which present a problem to cruise destinations. Leakages consist of tourist revenue flowing out of Jamaica in which it was spent. The main sources of leakages are consumer goods (especially food and drink), repatriation of profits, overseas promotional expenses and paying back of external debt. If the income from tourism goes to people who reside outside of the country, instead of residents, the benefits of tourism are small. Cruise tourism has been criticized for imposing local costs without compensating benefits. Cruise passenger spending is directed towards shopping where local content is low. Purpose of the study Jamaica is a beautiful island but in the past decades the country has been transformed into a monumental tourist destination, and in the process destroying a few of the natural beauty along the way. In investigating the cruise shipping industry, I am hoping to find out the positive and the negative impacts of the cruise shipping industry on Jamaica and if it can sustain all the cruise ships seen coming in to the ports, considering that it is a booming business. I will also seek to find out if Jamaica will be able to accommodate all the people coming to the island at once through each port. Impacts such as; what impacts does cruise ships have on the ecological system of Jamaica? What are the ecological impacts on the ports visited? What are the effects on consolidation going on in the cruise industry? 1.2 Significance of the Study The stakeholders that this study will benefit are the Jamaica Tourist Board, tourism students, the Cruise Shipping industry and the tourism sector as a whole, as this will assist them in making further decisions weighing the pros and the cons of this industry on not just its economic benefit but its impact on the environment. 1.3 Statement of the problem If sewage from the cruise ships is released in the ports at each visit, then the marine ecosystem will be damaged and cause harm to living organisms. If too many people visit the island at once from a cruise ship then the total amount of acceptable accommodation will be exceeded causing irreversible damages to Jamaica. 1.4 Research Questions At the end of this end of this research the questions I hope to answer are: What the plans are for the sewage control for each port in Jamaica? Who mostly benefits from the tourists when they visit the government or the public (locals)? If the criticism is true on whether or not has imposed local costs without compensating benefits. If the locals are deprived from water and electricity when cruise ships are at the ports. Definition of Terms Cruise ship- If the locals are deprived from water and electricity when cruise ships are at the ports. Consolidation- The process of maturation in some markets whereby smaller companies are acquired or run out of business, leaving only a few dominant players Ecological impacts- Effect on living organism and their non-living (a biotic) environment due to human activity or natural phenomenon Economical Impacts- Economy-wide (macroeconomic) effect on employment and incomes produced by a decision, event, or policy. GDP- Gross Domestic Product Leakages- leakage is the non-consumption uses of income, including saving, taxes, and imports Ports- a city, town, or other place where ships load or unload Port of call- A port visited by a cruise ship but where passengers do not begin or terminate their journey. Socio-cultural impacts- social and cultural problems

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Psychiatric hospitals :: essays research papers

2. b. If the physician aggress to an alternate medication, the pharmacist will receive the order, write it on a physician’s order sheet, and notify the unity. The physician’s orders and medications will then be taken to the unit. c. If there will be a delay in prescribing the medication, the pharmacist is to notify the physician and a physician’s order to change the start day if indicated. The pharmacist is then to notify the unit of such communication and order. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After Pharmacy Hours a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The RN is to notify the home supervisor of non formulary medication orders b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The supervisor is to call the pharmacist on call and a decision made collaboratively as follows i.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pharmacist will call SW hospital for medication and arrange for pickup ii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pharmacist will deliver where the first dose has to be given 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  RN’s CVM’s are expected to resolve the issue of non formulary medications on their shift. When faced with situations when there communications are delayed or unclear they are to call their PCC/Supervisor in the building. The CNO is to be notified in cases where the supervisor cannot be reached. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ultimately it is the responsibility of the RN to notify the physician if a prescribed treatment is not given for any reason. If the prescribed treatment is delayed, the physician is to be notified of reason for delay and plan to meet treatment needs. All such communications are to be documented in the medical --- 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Effective 5/2 both- there forms are obsolete. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Miceing Medication Sheet b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pharmacy to physician communication 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  RN’s and CVN’s are admitted not to borrow medications. During pharmacy hours they are to call the pharmacy and outside of pharmacy hours the supervisor is to be contacted.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Introduction :: Computer Science

Introduction ============ I have been asked to create a solution to computerise a system for Super Sports who sell sports shoes. The system that I will create will follow the specification given to me. I will include some hand drawn sketches of the forms I will create. I hope for the system to be user friendly and easy to navigate throughout. The new system will have to store data, calculate totals and quantities. I will make use of command buttons and macros within excel to navigate and to record data. I will also make se of the following advanced functions. Macro’s Linked to Command Buttons On-Screen Help Filtering Data Use of the IF Function Pivot Tables The VlookUp Function I also need to make a web page that has pictures of all the available shoes with details and descriptions of all for sale. Also on the page I will give all these details plus the company’s contact details. I will include relevant documentation for this solution in the form of a user guide, this guide will aim to train the staff in using the software. Description of Development. I started off with a black spreadsheet form Microsoft Excel. I changed the background colour of the whole sheet. I added a selection of command buttons to the form to navigate through the system; I also added a title to the page. I then renamed the sheet to â€Å"Welcome Page† I than added some more sheets as I thought I would need them as I progressed through the application. I then moved onto the second sheet, which I called â€Å"Cost† On this form I used the â€Å"VlookUp function to link the shoe type with price, this will make sure tat the quality, shoe and price are all correct. I also used some validation on this form, in the type of list validation, this allows the user to select data from this list box only. I added a Command button to this page to navigate back to the welcome screen. I then created a total sheet, all this sheet does is hold the total amount of shoes sold. I then created the sheet called â€Å"Shoes† This shoes hold the prices per pair of shoes and the increment for the quality sole. The next sheet I made was the Orders Sheet, this sheet holds all the details of orders placed. It also has a graph which I have made to display the amount of orders placed. The final sheet is called customer Details, I have set this sheet up to store the details of all customers that place orders through super sports. Throughout this project I have used the following advanced features:

Friday, October 11, 2019

Knowledge Management Essay

In researching this paper I can’t seem to get away from constantly comparing the difference between what is knowledge and what is information. As a result I continue to look at Knowledge Management synonymously with Information Management. Or rather the terms of knowledge and information of which knowledge is constantly used synonymously with information. As pointed out in many articles this is often the case, and just leads to confusion of what I think Knowledge Management really is about. Furthermore, I am still stuck in the belief that you can manage information but not really the corresponding knowledge that an individual can derive from the information. This is why I found when reading the assigned reading material that T. D. Wilson’s article probably influenced me more that the others. As a result I will try to explain Information Management comparatively with Knowledge Management and answer the posed question and how I think Knowledge Management should be broached with top managers. What is Information Management? According to Wikipedia, â€Å"Information management (IM) is the collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences (Wikipedia Information, 2010). † This can of course be information of many types and can be stored in data form, written form, video form, and many other forms. Typically in the case of IM this information is stored in Information Management systems such as databases, collaboration portals, report tools, and many other types of systems. Information Management is used to store information so that users of the information can gain knowledge from the information as a whole toward an end goal whether that goal is to generate sales for a company or become an expert in widgets. Information is the basis for knowledge. Without it, knowledge doesn’t exist. On the other hand, according to Wikipedia, â€Å"Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice (Wikipedia Knowledge, 2010). † The problem I have with this is that you may be able to capture knowledge in written form, for example, but knowledge in this form is only information for another to use to complete a process through instruction and does not imply they understand the information that led to the conclusion. Can it be a sharing of explicit knowledge? Probably; according to Thampi, â€Å"Explicit knowledge (sometimes referred to as formal knowledge) is formal knowledge that can be packaged as information (Thampi, 2008). † Emphasis should be given to â€Å"packaged as information†. He also implies that tacit knowledge (personal knowledge) over time can become explicit once the person matures it into new knowledge and documents it in some form. Knowledge implies understanding of information and knowledge in written form is just that, information. I don’t believe just because the person can read it that knowledge of the underlying information is imparted. According to Li and Song, the relationship between IM and KM consists of â€Å"the two having mutually reinforcing effects† and â€Å"they both attach great importance to information and IT (Li and Song, 2009). † They state under this these relationships that â€Å"Even though KM and IM have different emphases the purpose produced is basically identical† and that â€Å"Knowledge cannot exist without information because it provides raw material and source for knowledge innovation and the pursuit of KM goals (Li and Song, 2009). † Almost sounds like they are synonymous! I think this is the basis for many of T. D. Wilson’s arguments. He states that â€Å"for the fields of information science and information systems, it is clearly necessary for us to distinguish between ‘information’ and ‘knowledge’. Failure to do so results in one or other of these terms standing as a synonym for the other, thereby confusing anyone who wishes to understand what each term signifies (Wilson, 2002). † The result is people believing Knowledge Management is one and the same with Information Management. The capture of knowledge in written form, as I described above, does not imply knowledge of the underlying information to the person reading it. Wilson further comments on this thought by stating, â€Å"Whenever we wish to express what we know, we can only do so by uttering messages of one kind or another – oral, written, graphic, gestural or even through ‘body language’. Such messages do not carry ‘knowledge’, they constitute ‘information’, which a knowing mind may assimilate, understand, comprehend and incorporate into its own knowledge structures (Wilson, 2002). In other words, not everyone reading it will gain knowledge, so maybe Knowledge Management isn’t the right term to use. I also like his argument that everything outside the mind in essence can be defined as data if it contains simple facts, or information, if the data is in a context of relevance to the recipient, and that collections of messages such as papers, e-mails messages, letters in an archive, etc. are generally regarded as information resources, â€Å"thus, data and information may be managed, and information resources may be managed, but knowledge (i. . , what we know) can never be managed, except by the individual knower and, even then, only imperfectly (Wilson, 2002). † I believe Wilson’s arguments are pretty convincing and his research paper is exhaustive and nearly exhausted me! All of the comments and arguments above are not really what this assignment is about but are what helped me draw my conclusions to answer the posed question. Is it a good idea to use the term ‘knowledge management’ in conversations with top managers in our days? I don’t know that even with all the chatter about KM that it’s known well enough by all managers to necessarily use the term in conversations. Top managers may not have enough information about the KM concepts to be comfortable talking about it without some â€Å"knowledge† or expertise on the matter. I think you need to approach the conversations in terms of desired outcomes. After all, knowledge is information applied toward a desired outcome. I believe anytime you talk to your boss or her boss etc. you define your terms upfront. For example; â€Å"We are working on a KM solution that specifically captures the process call takers use to enter sales orders so that we can reduce sales process times. † Although this only captures information for call takers to use to achieve the outcome, and does not necessarily imply they gain knowledge from the information used to capture the process, it clarifies KM in terms top managers can understand and in reverse implies you are providing knowledge to the call takers. Provide the specifics and keep these types of conversations focused on outcomes. The KM concept is clouded by misinterpretation, ambiguous meanings, and directionless efforts. If you define KM by the desired outcomes then yes, you can have an intelligent conversation with top managers. If I fall into the trap of letting someone else define KM in their own mind, based on what I know about KM, I will simply contribute to the ongoing directionless efforts already occurring. Other terms I would consider using that add clarity to the conversation include process, documentation, repeatability, uniform results, and intended outcomes. These terms change the conversation by changing the focus. You can still have a KM conversation by framing KM as the documented processes that provide repeatable uniform results and intended outcomes. This is a long way of saying KM should be used as a conversation starting point but not an end point. Throw out the KM catch phrase then say â€Å"now that I have your attention let’s talk about all the stuff that makes KM work†. While there seems to be relevance to the KM argument there also seems to be a lack of clarity and information on the KM process that distinguishes it in less synonymous terms from IM. Something in my opinion needs to change that clearly states the intent of KM that clarifies exactly what it does; capture implied knowledge based on individuals knowledge and experiences. I believe it is more of a process or experience management technique that falls under IM and would be less confusing to people as well as eliminate synonymous meanings. I do not believe knowledge can be managed but information, processes, and experience can. Bogorad stated, â€Å"By definition, the intent of Knowledge Management is to discover, retain, and disseminate locked-in knowledge across the organization (Bogorad, 2010). † In my opinion the terms locked-in experience or locked-in processes work much better than knowledge. Similarly, Thampi states, â€Å"Processing data can be performed by machine, but only the human mind can process knowledge or even information (Thampi, 2008. ). † What I believe he should have said is; â€Å"Processing data and information can be performed by machine, but only the human mind can process information to develop knowledge. †

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Philippine Noon Time Shows Essay

For over a decade now, noontime TV shows have captivated the Filipino public, colloquially known asâ€Å"the masa†. These shows run for 2 hours a day, 6 days a week, usually from around 2 to 4 o clock pm. Their immense popularity is shown by the long lines of people that wait outside the studio hours before the program starts. All of them, hoping to get a chance to participate in the festivities which include playing games, singing, and dancing. Millions more watch through their television. All this translates into high TV ratings, eventually generating billions in revenue for the producers and executives. The host himself earns around 1 to 2 million pesos everyday. The audience mostly consists of people from the D and E demographics. Butch Stuart in his article â€Å"Mr Willie† describes them as â€Å"those who come from near or far away, many with borrowed transportation money, coming from all walks of masa life. Some of the groups that he mentioned were featured in these shows include: farmers, fishermen, GROs, bus drivers, people with missing teeth, people with special talents, single mothers, gay, graduates who failed their licensing exams, girls who can dance, boys who can sing, bibingka vendors, and, even, young girls with great looking legs.† Overseas Filipino Workers are also given special mention in the show. Those present in the audience see it as a welcome home celebration, or a way to re-immerse themselves in the Filipino culture. A euphoric upbeat atmosphere underpins the event. Mr Stuart describes it as â€Å"120 minutes of mindless choreographed entertainment – games, dancing, singing and laughter with ample opportunities for ogling†. These events don’t require any complex thinking from the participants. They were designed to be visceral and to conjure a response of raw emotion. Girls in scantily clad outfits are the ones who facilitate the celebration. They serve two purposes in the event. Firstly to captivate and attract through their revealing outfits. But they also carry out logistical tasks like accompanying audience members to the stage and dancing the tunes for everyone to mimic. The host ensures that all elements of the show are put together. To keep everything lively, his dialogue must always be fast paced. At times he gives off the impression of a cheerleader – always rousing the audience into states of excitement. He will always crack jokes left and right, and will never miss any opportunity even it means making fun of himself. For the show to be successful, the host must understand the sensibilities of the majority lower class audience. The interactive environment can only exist if he can connect with the â€Å"masa’s† humor. In Philippine society, no one has been more successful in doing this than Willie Revillame. A household name in television, he has amassed a massive amount of wealth from his noon time shows Wowowee in ABS CBN and later on, Willing willie on TV 5. Noon time shows rely on the D and E classes as their target audience. When criticism is mounted against these shows, producers are quick to respond that these journalists do not understand the plight of the poor. Some argue that these shows give the poor false hope. They line up for months waiting to be called on stage. Waiting to tell their life story. Waiting to play for a million pesos with house and lot. But the reality is that most of those who line up for the show never even make it to the studio. RESEARCH QUESTION: We would like to find out why Filipinos from the class D end E brackets are captivated with these noon time shows. It is the poor’s endorsement that sustains them. Companies who want to reach out to this consumer market donate lump sums of money for their products to be advertised on air. They know that the millions of impoverished families watching these shows will see their products. But the poor do more than just endorse. Often they peg their aspirations and dreams to the show itself. Watch any full show and you are sure to come across someone sobbing on air, talking about how his dream was to meet Willie in person. To answer the question of why the poor are so captivated, we will need to address more specific inquiries. Media for instance, is never a neutral medium. It has the capacity to shape public perception through its different portrayals of reality. After acknowledging that the poor are interested in these shows, we will look into what techniques and strategies these shows use to sustain that interest. It is easy to understand that someone who stumbles across ABSCBN may be mesmerized by the glitz and glamour of the wowowee show girls. But how do the producers maintain that interest for long periods of time when the programs in these shows tend to be repetitive? Further inquiries may also be raised concerning how we perceive and understand poverty as a social ill. Subconsciously or not, these shows frame this issue in a biased way. Critics are quick to pounce on Willie Revillame for taking advantage of the poor. In return, he retaliates by calling them apathetic and claiming that he truly empathizes with them. Both assertions are possibly right. These shows may be both half empty and full. But perhaps a better way to resolve this conflict is to look into the assumptions about poverty that these shows espouse. Even more questions can be raised regarding the link between poverty and gender in Philippine society. We question how structures of patriarchy are reinforced and reflected in the arrangments of these shows. Willie Revillame is notorious for using blatantly sexist language. In one account by Butch Stuart, Willie comments on the obesity of a middle aged woman who came up to hug him by saying, â€Å"Mas masarap yapusin ang mga dalaga†. But the epitome of this sexism is seen in the dancing girls that liven the show. Mr Butch Stuart describes them as if they were tools to tingle one’s sensations: â€Å"Tall, Pretty, Scantily Clad,Jiggling their cleavage breasts, bending, grinding and humping their loins, the tassels and trimmings of their skimpy covers swaying with their dancing, as they blow kisses, seamlessly sequing from program segments to ads, teasing men to the edge of one particular cardinal sin†. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: The group will use Marxist analysis to understand the dynamics that exist between the audience and the TV producers in these noon time shows. The paper on Marxism and method talks about the central scientific goals of Marxist analysis. The first of these is to provide a well founded and logically derived description of the central institutional feature of a market based economic system. The second goal is to historicize and to determine how these features came to exist. The last is to determine the social implications of these arrangments. We like this kind of theoretical framework for its rigid empiricism. Many frameworks start from the universal towards the particular. That is to say they start with an established principle and then go on trying to rationalize the real world to try to fit that picture. In contrast, Marxist analysis begins from the ground up. It first takes a look at what is observable like the relationships of people across the social strata, the relationships of people to capital, or the relationships of people to instiutions which did not exist apriori, but instead have a historical basis to them. After making repeated observations, Marxist analysis will then see if recurring patterns, outcomes, and courses of action exist. Only then will a theory be produced to account for these similarities. The Marxist approach is a scientific one. As Daniel little writes that Marxist analysis explain real world phenomena in terms of underlying causal conditions rather than crude associations among observable va riables. This process of analysis is significant in our research in that it requires us to look at the tangible motivations of those watching these noon time TV shows. It is no mere coincidence or stroke of luck that these shows continue to remain prominent. There are financial incentives that make thousands of people skip their work just to watch them live. There are also practical ways to explain why the poor would rather sing and dance away their problems to the tune of â€Å"boom tarat tarat†. Finally, it is an undeniable fact that the elites- namely the business tycoons, the tv executives, the celebrity personalities and everyone else on the upper echelons of the media industry, continue to benefit from a capitalist system that produces massive amounts of inequality. The mode of production, in this instance the noon time tv shows that generate the income, will cease to exist if there were no poor people to delude. We will also use the Gramscian concept of hegemony to describe the process in which the poor are made to passively accept their positions of status. Hegemony, is the process with which the dominant class projects and reinforces its ideologies through the use of cultural institutions. Chandler states that this represents not only political and economic control, but also the ability of the dominant class to project its own way of seeing the world so that those who are subordinated by it accept it as ‘common sense’ and ‘natural’. Gramsci would find the institution of the family to be repressive. By belonging into the family unit, we are socialized into aspiring for specific life goals. One of this is to be productive citizens ing specialized skill sets that can be used to earn profit. We see this as obvious. However, the fulfillment of this goal ensures the preservation of our inequitable social structure. The family and educational system ensures that when one profit minded factory owner dies, another one takes its place. DEFINITION OF TERMS: Marxism Marxism is defined as the political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by Marx; especially : a theory and practice of socialism including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society. A body of doctrine developed by Karl Marx and, to a lesser extent, by Friedrich Engels in the mid-19th century. It originally consisted of three related ideas: a philosophical anthropology, a theory of history, and an economic and political program. Rational Choice Theory Rational choice theory is defined as An economic principle that assumes that individuals always make prudent and logical decisions that provide them with the greatest benefit or satisfaction and that are in their highest self-interest. Noon Time Variety Show Variety shows are defined as Theatrical entertainment consisting of successive unrelated acts, such as songs, dances, and comedy skits. In the context of this paper they are performed using the medium of the television. SCOPE AND LIMITATION: Our study will focus solely on Noon time TV programs in the Philippines. Other countries have their own formats for variety shows. These will not be covered by this paper. Our goal is to understand poverty particularly in the Filipino context. Therefore our analysis will focus more on the cultural nuances of Filipino society reflected in local variety shows. We will also not consider other reality TV shows that do not fall under the category of a variety show. That is, an event consisting of successive acts of singing, dancing and, games. The reason for this is that differences in show arrangements will make it difficult to conduct a consistent analytical approach for all reality tv across the board. For instance, Marxists themes of class inequality to an extent are less evident in weight lost shows such as the biggest loser than they are in wowowee. The selection of participants for both these shows are also markedly different making it difficult to conduct a unified analysis of the demographics. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: METHOD AND METHO