Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Japan and Vietnam

neighborly division, politics, culture 1. Body Paragraph genial division through protrude japan and Vietnam were twain structured from Chinese past times. In lacquer, there was no caste outline at first simply it after flourished. Women were allowed to participate in military actions, but non own property or money. Throughout this time period women incapacitated power. Koreans inter-married between ethnic groups which provided characteristics of Southeast Asia. both(prenominal) of these countries were very similar to the Chinese in their social divisions because of trade.Trade routes such as the Silk bridle-path gave The japanese and Vietnamese opportunities to borrow Chinese ideas. 2. Body Paragraph State building, expansion, and interlocking differed in Japan and Vietnam. The Vietnamese attend Chinese style schools and had a Chinese style military. Resistance to the Chinese solve led to division within Vietnam (North and South). Japan was ruled by an aristocracy. The Monks resisted the attempt to trace imperial authorization.Once the military gained control, the feudal system began. A civil war stony-broke out between the peasant and stop number class in Japan. This led to Japan being divided into over leash hundred elfiner kingdoms. As I mentioned already, Japan did not start out with a caste system, but this social division is what led to the outbreak or civil war. Without the division, Japan may not have broken up into small kingdoms. 3. Body Paragraph The culture of Japan and Vietnam were also influenced by the Chinese.The Japanese had a strict court system that was alter with gossip and emphasized the arts. The first raw was also developed. Power struggles within the landed estate led to the establishment of the court system. In Vietnam, women enjoyed greater freedom and choice for dress. The computer architecture was very similar to the Chinese, and they enforced socialisation of people. The difference between Japan and Vietnam wa s that in Japan women never gained back the gauzy freedom they once had, whereas in Vietnam women gained more(prenominal) rights.

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