Monday, September 23, 2019

Quick Stab Collection Agency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Quick Stab Collection Agency - Essay Example The trend shown by the bill deposit was that the majority of the deposit including the higher bills were completed by the half of the time passed. So, focusing the chronic defaulters with some continuous contact or with some incentives may be useful. Timely bill payment has become a difficult responsibility to fulfil on the side of the citizens. It has got various reasons, like: time constraints, busy schedule, missed on due dates followed by even late deposit. The issue can be dealt quite efficiently by early and repeated reminders, easy or customer friendly procedures for submission as multiple sites for submission, reducing time spent in the deposit, more hours to deposit in the evening etc. Usually, the bill issuing authority or body does not have got so much human or other resources to facilitate at the level discussed earlier. In this situation the authority may involve some other party involved in this task and agree on some share to be paid to the party on collection of a specific type of bill within due time. Quick Stab Collection Agency (QSCA) is responsible for carrying out such type of task in the eastern town. But this company prefers small accounts to stay away from the environment full of risks. This is the situation posed by the chronic late payers. Analysis of this data set... sessing the association or relationship between days to collect and size of the bill as well as the regression analysis to for the account status was carried out in SPSS version 10.0. The graph between the days to collect and the mean size of the bill was a typical bell shaped curve which supported the data set, as: Sample size was sufficient enough to assess the association, as the sample size increases Graph 1: The association between the number of the days and the mean size of the bill to a certain level then the distribution becomes binomial with bell shape of the curve. In other words at the extreme of the days, initial and final days, the size of the bill was small around 45-50 but as the days to collect get apart towards the centre the size of the bill gradually increased. The regression analysis was carried out at univariate and then multivariate levels to look for the individual as well as the collective effect but with control on the effect of other variables for the association of the status of the account. When days to collect and size of the bill regressed against the status of the account as continuous variable they could not show association with the status of the account to a significant level. Therefore, both these variables were recoded to dichotomous ones; for days to collect we made categories at day 47 and for the size of the bill we cut the values at 160. After recoding the variables, size of the bill category although, increased in values but could not reach to a significant level. Days to collect category showed a highly significant association with the status of the account. At multivariate level, when size of the bill added to the model, it could not affect the association of days to collect with the dependant variable, status

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