Monday, January 6, 2020

The Black Lives Matter Movement - 790 Words

Words can either help the cause or bring further confusion, which in the end destroys the solution to that issue. Kenneth Burke once stated â€Å"Rhetoric is the use of words by human agents to form attitudes or induce actions in other humans† (Pitchford, Aug 31 2016) The very way something is stated can either bring forth the support and encouragement needed or cause a major divide amongst those who want a change and those who don’t perceive the issue as a real problem. The media does a great job of taking issues and flipping the mission statements of many groups to gather a response from others. This phenomenon is known as miscommunication, which happens on the daily with anyone who uses words to communicate ones views and understandings. An issue that has become prevalent in the news recently is the unlawful murders of African American citizens by law enforcement. To combat this issue, a group of concerned citizens rose up to demand a change, known as the Black Lives Matter movement. Due to others not clearly understanding the mission, the connotation associated with the movement has turned negative from conservative media. Those participating in the protest for a better justice system have been painted as hoodlums, racist, and disturbers of peace. The news outlets have become biased on the information presented to the public, in fact the updates of the movement have begun to play on the fear of the viewers. The act of rearranging words, and taking one group ofShow MoreRelatedThe Black Lives Matter Movement1356 Words   |  6 Pagesthe product of racial profiling, a movement has risen up to combat these common issues. The most recent and most well-covered is the Black Lives Matter Movement. Even though it has bee n lauded by some media sources and individuals as the next great movement to champion for civil rights, the Black Lives Matter movement is not the same as the African-American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s nor is it likely to be as successful. If the Black Lives Matter Movement continues with discrepancies in ideologyRead MoreThe Black Lives Matter Movement1179 Words   |  5 PagesThe Black Lives Matter movement has swept across America. It s branched out with chapters in over 31 cities and held rallies and boycotts across the United States(Sidner). The Black Lives Matter movement started with the outrage of the death of a young man. It continues to take over headlines and raise awareness on police brutality and inequality. However, the movement has met resistance from the All Lives Matter group. This group thinks that Black Lives Matter is a movement to express hatred towardsRead MoreThe Black Lives Matter Movement872 Words   |  4 PagesPaper 5 Black Lives Matter Movement A close examination of the online representation of a fringe community or counterculture would be the Black Lives Matter movement. The Black Lives Matter movement is a community in America that has represented itself after all of the many innocent African American lives that have taken by law enforcement and the Caucasian male who went into the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and opened fire on the members of the church. The Black Lives Matter movementRead MoreThe Black Lives Matter Movement1235 Words   |  5 Pagestheir anger and sadness about the result with the Black Lives Matter hashtag. While there were many documented cases of police brutality before Michael Brown’s death, this was the one that truly popularized the Black Lives Matter Movement (Acosta). The Black Lives Matter movement is â€Å"working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically and intentionally targeted for demise† (About), as well as highlighting the contributions Bl ack lives have made to society. Media have a strong influenceRead MoreThe Black Lives Matter Movement893 Words   |  4 PagesDiscrimination is a struggle that African Americans know all too well. The Black Lives Matter strives to stand up for those wronged by society and also raise awareness to an issue that has surprisingly gone unresolved. The articles â€Å" Black lives Matter: A movement takes shape†, and â€Å" The condition of black lives is one of mourning â€Å" both show the dire need for the black lives matter movement through a combination of appeals that allows them to draw attention to different aspects of the problems withoutRead MoreThe Black Lives Matter Is A Movement1659 Words   |  7 PagesIn 2013, a movement called Black Lives Matter, started to advocate their motto and cause for stopping police brutality and racial injustice. The movement is being supported by many other African Americans and TV networks like B.E.T. Black Lives Matter is a movement that began after George Zimmerman was found not guilty of the murder of Trayvon Martin. The movement grew stronger after the death of two unarmed African Americans last year, Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner of New YorkRead MoreThe Black Lives Matter Movement Essay1570 Words   |  7 PagesThe Black Lives Matter movement was created in 2013 after the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s killer, and after the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. In 2014, the phrase became a bold component for a new chapter in an age old historical fight to end social injustices. But the movement’s disruptive protests’ and passionate public speeches about racial inequality have been concerning to many American citizens who are curious about what the goal is for this generation of protesters. OneRead MoreThe Black Lives Matter Movement1453 Words   |  6 PagesThe black lives matter movement has been in the news is a major social movement since Mike Brown was shot in Ferguson Missouri. Sin ce that event, there have been many spin-offs to the black lives matter cause. White lives matter, blue lives matter, and Hispanic lives matter. This has become a more divisive idea instead of being a cause that can invoke change. Given my background and personal experience, all lives matter; even the ones that wear bulletproof vests and guns on their hip. People seeRead MoreThe Black Lives Matter Movement1655 Words   |  7 Pagesfighting for respect for a single human life, blacks are focused on the safety of their community while the whites are fighting to keep respect and gain safety. The Black Lives Matter movement, also known as BLM, has been occurring since 2013 when the #blacklivesmatter began trending on Twitter after the death of Trayvon Martin. This movement was not started to cause problems, but only as a support group for the African American community. As growth to the movement occurred, the retaliation levels jumpedRead MoreThe Black Lives Matter Movement1289 Words   |  6 PagesWhite people are born into extreme privilege that they are unaware of having and Blacks are continually the subject of police brutality, inequality in the workplace and the media is still horribly racist. It is clear that light needs to be shed upon this issue to help prevent future generations from fighting the horrific battle that black peop le still have to fight every day even now in 2015. The Black Lives Matter movement was set up in 2012 following the death of Treyvon Martin and awareness to this

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